Jan 19, 2021
SEP 8, 2020 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY PODCAST, a rewatch hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! Sam Bee enters the wild racist world of porn creation, and James Spader walks through step-by-step on how to make the perfect turkey. Also, a British oldster steals our hearts with a simple...
Jan 12, 2021
AUG 30, 2020 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY PODCAST, a rewatch hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! Rob Corddry develops new razors, Colbert beeps his way to God’s glory, and the great Fugees frontman takes his interview time to audition for the show! The Daily Show Weekly is an...