Apr 29, 2017
APRIL 2, 2017 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY PODCAST, a rewatch hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! With the Nuclear Option on the table and a Dem filibuster not guaranteed, it looks like we're about to wake up in bed with a Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch. Merritt Garland sheds a tear....
Apr 26, 2017
MARCH 26, 2017 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY PODCAST, a rewatch hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! Huzzah and Kudos, 2017! You just had your first nice week. The Republican alternate to Obamacare pulled off a historical belly flop, failing to even make it to the floor. And it seems,...
Apr 22, 2017
Special Presentation. Originally recorded on April 8th 2017 in Sunny Van Nuys! On March 3rd, 2012 - a podcasting empire was born. Hail Satire! conducted its first interview with the legend Mike Scully and from that moment on, college freshman Vic Shuttee was hooked on bothering comedians with the same questions over...
Apr 22, 2017
Special Presentation. Originally recorded on April 21st, 2017. Vic here! In prep for the much awaited 5 Year Anniversary Show with Max Holkan and Tommy Waas, I felt like I need to thank a bunch of people who made the road to Hail Satire! possible. So many people have given to me, expecting nothing back - and really,...
Apr 19, 2017
MARCH 20, 2017 - It's THE DAILY SHOW WEEKLY PODCAST, a rewatch hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Chandler Dean (@chandlerjdean)! After a bit of Spring Breakin', Vic and Chandler are back with more TDSW goodness. In 2017, so many social services are in the GOP crosshairs: NEA, PBS, EPA, Meals-on-Wheels, you...