Oct 27, 2018
CHAPTER 9 – After a long vacation away from the silver screen, and brief pitstop on television, the Guest Next Generation tour stops somewhere a bit between with Mascots on Netflix. His first mockumentary film since 2003’s A Mighty Wind, and it is clear there are some cobwebs. Many new faces and recent additions in the main company, with only a few veteran making time to cameo. But with the first ever returning character, a pandora’s box of cinematic possibilities has forever been opened. As this is our final chapter to record – how will the Guest List wrap this up? The Christopher Guest List is hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType). If you enjoy this work and would enjoy more deep dives into comedy history, please consider become a patron of Hail Satire! at Patreon.com/VicShuttee #GuestList