Oct 6, 2018
CHAPTER 6 – Where can the Team Guest go after being on top? Perhaps inward and to a more dramatic place, as the original music slides to the forefront earning Michael McKean an Oscar nomination for the best original song. It’s the somber tales of Mitch and Mickey, former lovers who return to a gala in folk music’s honor after years living separate lives. The Spinal Tap boys reunite for the first time exactly 20 years later as Guest, McKean and Shearer play it straight as the pickin’ funsters The Folks Men. But as the company grows and grows, are certain favorites bound for deleted scenes (Parker Posey) or an out-and-out improvised quarantine (Fred Willard)? HEY WHA HAPPENED – turns out this is our last big screen mockumentary?! Is an era ending before our eyes? The Christopher Guest List is hosted by Vic Shuttee (@VicShuttee) and Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType). If you enjoy this work and would enjoy more deep dives into comedy history, please consider become a patron of Hail Satire! at Patreon.com/VicShuttee #GuestList